dr Katarzyna Grabska

dr Katarzyna Grabska


dziedzina naukowa antropologia kulturowa, studia rozwojowe (development studies)
badane państwa/ obszary geograficzne Egipt, Kenia, Sudan, Ghana
obszary badawcze Jestem antropolożką kulturową i zajmuje sie badaniami nad uchodzctwem, migracjami, przemianami w stosunkach gender w kontekscie wojny, uchodzctwa i repatriacji, jak rowniez polityka praw dla migrantow i uchodzcow, migracjami dzieci i mlodziezy w Afryce Wschodniej, i feminismami afrykanskimi i post-kolonialnymi. Moje badania koncektruja sie nad uchodzcami i migrantami z poludniowego Sudanu zyjacymi w Kairze, Libania, i Kenii (w obozach dla uchodzcow). Prowadzilam rowniez badania w poludniowym Sudanie, Ghanie i Kenii. Obecnie pracuje nad projektem badawczym analizujacym polityke migracyjna i mobilisnosci w Afryce zachodniej i Azji centralnej.
nazwa instytucji  Swiss Tropical Institute, University of Basel, Szwajcaria
najważniejsze publikacje Ksiazki:
- Grabska, K and Mehta. L (eds) 2008 –Forced Displacement: Why Rights Matter?, Palgrave MacMillan: London.
- "In-flux': (Re)negotiating gender relations, identity and 'home' in post-war southern Sudan, in preparation.

Artykuly naukowe:
- (2011) ‘ Constructing ‘modern gendered civilised’ women and men: gender mainstreaming in refugee camps’, Gender and Development, 19: 1, 81 — 93.
- (2010) ‘ Lost Boys, Invisible Girls: Stories of Marriage Across the Borders’, Gender, Place and Culture, vol.17(4).
- (2006) ‘Marginalization in the Urban Spaces of the Global South: Urban Refugees in Cairo’ Special Issue: Urban Refugees, Journal of Refugee Studies, Vol. 19, No.3.
- (2005) ‘Integration or co-existence – the forced and migrant experience in a delimitated territory of Arba W Nuss,’ In Kolor Review, May.

Rozdzialy w ksiazkach:
- (2009) With Mulki Al-Sharmani ‘Diasporic African Refugees: Ambivalent Status and Cosmopolitan Struggles in Cairo,’ in Singerman D. and Amar P. Re-making Cairo: Politics, Culture, and Urban Space in the New Globalized Middle East, Volume II, AUC Press.
- (2008) ‘Brothers or Poor Cousins? Rights, policies and the Wellbeing of Refugees in Egypt,’ in Grabska, K and Mehta. L (eds),Forced Displacement: Why Rights Matter?, Palgrave Macmillan: London.
- (2007) ‘Cities and refugees: Urban refugees in Cairo,’ book chapter in Human Security and Cities, edited and published by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, February. Accessible: https://humansecurity-cities.org/sites/hscities/files/Human_Security_for_an_Urban_Century.pdf

Raporty badawcze i artykuly prasowe:
- (2006) “A system of diffuse responsibility, with blame shared by all,” Op-ed, RSDWatch Website, www.rsdwatch.org, June.
- (2006) ‘Who asked them (refugees) anyway? Rights, Policies and Urban Refugees in Egypt’, DRC research report, July, accessible www.migrationdrc.org
- (2005) ‘Living on the Margins – Livelihoods of Sudanese Refugees in urban settings, Egypt,’ Research Report and FMRS Working Paper, Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, The American University in Cairo. (June).
- (2003) ‘Breaking the Ground: Judges’ Role in the Protection of Refugees in the Arab League Countries’ (In Arabic), In Nashrat Al-Hijra al-Qasriyya (Arabic Edition of Forced Migration Review). Refugee Studies Center, Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford University. Issue 16 (April).

- (2005) “The Art of Flight’, fabularised documentary about Sudanese refugees in Cairo, researcher and associate producer, Nomads Productions, June.
- (2001) “Frankfuhrter Bahnhof” – documentary about homeless people, research and production assistant, ZDF Television, November.
- (1999) The Crash” documentary about the international financial crisis, research assistant and production intern, Washington Media Associates, June.
 e-mail kgrabska@yahoo.com 
 telefon  0041792348959